In a very interesting lecture today, we learned about creating systems in the organisations. These systems may be designed to perform tasks such as defining duties and responsibilities, or defining dos and don'ts or even defining the direction or the vision of the company.
The entire point of developing system is that individual opinions, judgements, prejudices or egos should not come in the way of interpreting the goal of the organisation. However, it is still a team effort. So there will always be some personality influences, but the point is to minimise these and move forward. As it was rightfully pointed to the class, we are all collectively smart but individually stupid.
The system thus created should defy human limitations. Earlier lectures have shown me that there is no limit to human potential. So the system should continuously push everyone to their limits. It is my personal belief that these systems are nothing more than thought process; extremely simple, extremely powerful.
The Human Tower

This was followed by the actual creation of the tower. A lot of team effort was seen with everyone giving their suggestions and planning the creation.
We were able to sit four students to form a tower before it collapsed.
Why did it collapse? One of the guys in the middle couldn't take the load and slipped. There will always be weak links in the chain, but it's not about removing the weak links. though it's important to convert the weaknesses into strenghts, this exercise showed us that it's even more important to ensure that the load is distributed in a manner so that no matter the individual strengths, the whole team is able to sustain the load, together. As the professor said in the class, it should not be painful for anybody.
In my exerience I have seen some booses who make it their duty to look for the weak links. While this should be the priority for any manager, it's very important what the manager does as the next step. I have learned now that before I try to work on the person, I must make sure that the load is distributed as per the strengths of the team members.
Crossing the bridge

1.) Structuring the task: A clear procedure of accomplishing the objective is defined. A step by step process is established and it is made sure it is understood by everyone.
2.) Structuring team roles: Each role and resposibility is clearly defined and specific personnel identified for each. However, the roles must be similar but no same. There should not be too much of differentioation within the roles. In "Crossing the Bridge" activity, though the people were different, each person went through half hanging, full hanging and safe positions in turn.
3.) Preparation and Execution: This involves training people in the execution of the roles defined.
Designing Organization
- Work Planning: This defines the kind of work the person does. Making an earthen pot is craftsmanship while a worker working on an assembly line is a specialization.
- Authority Planning: This defines the centers of power. A worker working in a Toyota plant has the ability to stop production if he detects any quality faults. This is an example of decentralization. A VP of an organisation planning the financials of a distant plant is extreme for of centralization.
- Control Planning: This relates to the work-culture in an organisation. A supervisor barking orders on a shop floor would be an example of a formal heirarchy. A team working on a product in Google headquarters is an example of socialized heirarchy.
All these comparisons are not to say that one is superior over the other. There are successful organizations following both the systems.
The overall learning that I derived from this lecture was that there are extremely simple thought processes driving the most complex organisations. It's all a matter of common sense.
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